Organizing Your Home and Life
If one of your New Year Resolutions was to get organized, I have got a website that will help you accomplish it.
This website contains information and articles on how to organize just about everything in your home from your calendar to your work environment. It is full of useful information and helpful tips.
So log onto the site and get started at accomplishing your New Year’s Resolution of getting organized!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
4 Little Sayings to Help You Get Organized
'Spring Ahead. Fall Back.' That little saying always helps us remember whether we should set the clock ahead or back one hour. Similar little sayings, are also great for helping you to get and stay organized. Here are just a few:
A HOME FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. Every item you have, no matter what it is, should have a designated home. For instance, the home for your magazines might be your magazine holder, which is located on your bookshelf. Or your home for your extra file folders and labels, might be the top shelf of your office supplies cabinet.
If an item doesn't have a specific home, it's considered to be 'homeless.' Something that is homeless, tends to get lost.
Designate a specific home for all of your stuff. Then, be sure that everything taken, gets returned to its home when done being used.
1. DON'T PUT IT DOWN. PUT IT AWAY. When you remove something from its home, the best thing to do when you're done using it, is to put it away. Yes, sometimes it seems easier to just place it on the kitchen table until later, or to put it on your desk until tomorrow. Unfortunately, this often results in many items being out of place, which can leave your home or office in disarray. Never mind the fact that it presents a bad example for other family members, or staff members.Don't give clutter a chance to form. Put it away now. You'll find it when you need it, and your environment will remain clutter-free.
2. FILE, DON'T PILE. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with paper. Our paper volume increases on a daily basis. Between lists, mail, bills, school papers, documentation, warranties, etc., it's often seen as a pain to take the time to handle those papers immediately. However, if those papers begin to transform themselves into piles--and they usually do--it's going to be even more of a pain to get them under control. Piles tend to get taller and taller, until even the idea of dismantling them seems colossal. This results in lots of piles, and even more stress.If you DON'T need a piece of paper, get rid of it immediately. Either recycle it, or give it to the appropriate party.If you DO need a piece of paper, file it right now. Don't put it down, even for a minute. Either place it in your filing cabinet, your Tickler file, your bill paying system, etc. If you take the time to file it now, it won't stand a chance of growing into a huge pile.
3. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Clutter and chaos go hand in hand. The more things you have, the easier it is for clutter to form and grow.Always remember to place your emphasis on quality over quantity. In other words, it's not important to have a lot of things, many of which you never use. It's more beneficial to have fewer things, all of which you use and/or enjoy. Simplify your life and you will get and stay organized!
4. FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT, GET EVERYTHING DONE WHEN IT'S DUE. Many people think that getting organized is about being neat and tidy. On the contrary, a person who is not very neat or tidy, can be very organized. Being organized actually entails 'finding everything you need when you need it, and getting everything done when it's due.' If you can master these two things, you are well on your way to being organized.
by Maria Gracia - Get Organized Now!Want to get organized? Get your FREE Get Organized Now! Idea-Pak, filled with tips and ideas to help you organize your home, your office and your life, at the Get Organized Now!
Web site:
'Spring Ahead. Fall Back.' That little saying always helps us remember whether we should set the clock ahead or back one hour. Similar little sayings, are also great for helping you to get and stay organized. Here are just a few:
A HOME FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE. Every item you have, no matter what it is, should have a designated home. For instance, the home for your magazines might be your magazine holder, which is located on your bookshelf. Or your home for your extra file folders and labels, might be the top shelf of your office supplies cabinet.
If an item doesn't have a specific home, it's considered to be 'homeless.' Something that is homeless, tends to get lost.
Designate a specific home for all of your stuff. Then, be sure that everything taken, gets returned to its home when done being used.
1. DON'T PUT IT DOWN. PUT IT AWAY. When you remove something from its home, the best thing to do when you're done using it, is to put it away. Yes, sometimes it seems easier to just place it on the kitchen table until later, or to put it on your desk until tomorrow. Unfortunately, this often results in many items being out of place, which can leave your home or office in disarray. Never mind the fact that it presents a bad example for other family members, or staff members.Don't give clutter a chance to form. Put it away now. You'll find it when you need it, and your environment will remain clutter-free.
2. FILE, DON'T PILE. It is very easy to get overwhelmed with paper. Our paper volume increases on a daily basis. Between lists, mail, bills, school papers, documentation, warranties, etc., it's often seen as a pain to take the time to handle those papers immediately. However, if those papers begin to transform themselves into piles--and they usually do--it's going to be even more of a pain to get them under control. Piles tend to get taller and taller, until even the idea of dismantling them seems colossal. This results in lots of piles, and even more stress.If you DON'T need a piece of paper, get rid of it immediately. Either recycle it, or give it to the appropriate party.If you DO need a piece of paper, file it right now. Don't put it down, even for a minute. Either place it in your filing cabinet, your Tickler file, your bill paying system, etc. If you take the time to file it now, it won't stand a chance of growing into a huge pile.
3. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. Clutter and chaos go hand in hand. The more things you have, the easier it is for clutter to form and grow.Always remember to place your emphasis on quality over quantity. In other words, it's not important to have a lot of things, many of which you never use. It's more beneficial to have fewer things, all of which you use and/or enjoy. Simplify your life and you will get and stay organized!
4. FIND EVERYTHING YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT, GET EVERYTHING DONE WHEN IT'S DUE. Many people think that getting organized is about being neat and tidy. On the contrary, a person who is not very neat or tidy, can be very organized. Being organized actually entails 'finding everything you need when you need it, and getting everything done when it's due.' If you can master these two things, you are well on your way to being organized.
by Maria Gracia - Get Organized Now!Want to get organized? Get your FREE Get Organized Now! Idea-Pak, filled with tips and ideas to help you organize your home, your office and your life, at the Get Organized Now!
Web site:
Monday, June 16, 2008

This is FlyLady's list that has grown by leaps and bounds due to her special way of weaving housecleaning tips with homespun humor and daily musings about life. She has a no-nonsense approach to getting your house and your life in order. She mixes housekeeping advice with insights about life and love and anything else that is on her mind. This list is whatever FlyLady decides it should be -- it's her list. She expects subscribers to decide if they get anything out of it or not. Those who do are invited to be part of the cyber family. Those who don't are encouraged to unsubscribe. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you can't figure that much out, don't blame FlyLady!A Letter From FlyLady: Are You Looking for a Magic Pill?FlyLady’s Personal Testimonial - December 25, 1999Testimonials From Our Members.
This is FlyLady's list that has grown by leaps and bounds due to her special way of weaving housecleaning tips with homespun humor and daily musings about life. She has a no-nonsense approach to getting your house and your life in order. She mixes housekeeping advice with insights about life and love and anything else that is on her mind. This list is whatever FlyLady decides it should be -- it's her list. She expects subscribers to decide if they get anything out of it or not. Those who do are invited to be part of the cyber family. Those who don't are encouraged to unsubscribe. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you can't figure that much out, don't blame FlyLady!A Letter From FlyLady: Are You Looking for a Magic Pill?FlyLady’s Personal Testimonial - December 25, 1999Testimonials From Our Members.
What to expect if you decide to join FlyLady
FlyLady uses the Sidetracked Home Executive (SHE) system as a basis for organizing her home and her life. She adds humor, spunk, and a dose of common sense to her advice, but be prepared - FlyLady does not allow whining. You have to get off your "Franny"!
First, you join as a FlyBaby. You will receive your e-mail Welcome Letters from FlyLady instructing you on how to get started. You will also receive regular e-mail reminders from FlyLady about zones, decluttering, laundry, shoes (honestly - shoes are very important here!) and more. Don't feel overwhelmed! FlyLady will keep you on track using small baby steps. And FlyBabies - no peeking at all of the routines, etc. shown on the FlyLady website. You are just getting started!
Now, as you progress, Flylady will send you e-mail to help you develop routines to get you going in the morning and to send you off to sleep in the evening. She's tough here - routines are very important! It takes 21 days to form a habit, but for SHEs, it takes 28 days. FlyLady is going to insist you shine your sink too - you'll soon find out why!
Decluttering is next. FlyLady will help you declutter your house using Hot Spot Fire Drills and the 27-Fling Boogie. If the thought of decluttering your home is overwhelming - don't worry - Flylady has been there and knows what you are going through! In fact, FlyLady still has her own "dungeon" of clutter that she is working on!
It doesn’t matter whether you are a male or female, single or married, working in or out of the home, have kids or not, this can work for you. You can easily adapt FlyLady’s system to fit your own lifestyle. You will find that with time, your house and life will pull together.
"My prayer for all my fellow SHEs is that each finds happiness and pride in ourselves and our accomplishments. That we raise our children to be good, productive, and happy people. And that we light up a room with our smile." - FlyLady
Beginner BabySteps
Dear Precious New Member,
I know that you have become overwhelmed by your home and the chaos that you have been living in. We are here to help you and it doesn’t cost you a dime. Keep in mind that your home did not get this way overnight and it is not going to get clean in a day. We are going to teach you how to take BabySteps and establish little routines for getting rid of your clutter and maintaining your home. This system will work for anyone; it doesn’t matter if you work outside of your home, stay home with children, retired or work at home. You can do this, you have just needed someone to pat you on the back and give you a great big hug to get you started.
The voices that you hear in your head keep telling you that you are behind and you have to get it all done now! We are going to quiet those negative voices that are beating you up constantly and replace them with a loving gentle voice that tells you that you are not behind and you can do this one BabyStep at a time!
Please do not get impatient with the process. Everything we do is going to help you replace those voices that put you down. We are here to lift you up and celebrate every little accomplishment.
Here is a hug to get you started; We are with you every step of the way. Do not allow those voices to get you upset by the 15 -20 emails you get from us each day. We will help you to understand them over the next 31 days. Digital clutter is so easy to handle with your delete key. If only our household clutter was that easy to get rid of.
FlyLady and the FLY CrewYour very first BabyStep is to go shine your sink. Don’t listen to those voices that tell you that is not going to help your messy house. This is exactly where I started and this little habit has changed my life! Take this BabyStep in faith and go do it. Here are the directions for shining your kitchen sink.
Day 1 you do this; you will keep it shiny by drying it out after each time you use it and making sure when you go to bed that it is shining so it will make you smile in the morning. This is how I get to hug you each day! That shiny sink is a reflection of the love that you have for yourself.Our FlyLady system is all about establishing little habits that string together into simple routines to help your day run on automatic pilot. You can do this!
Now that you have completed that very important first step, here is a list of the rest of the Beginner BabySteps. Do not jump ahead and try to get them all done at once, simply go to the next step each day and complete it. You can do this!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Packrat Syndrome!
How to Survive Living With a Packrat
Packrats are also desperate to keep track of each and every item they've safely stored away for that potential future need. Clueless family members often don't even recognize these items as being salvage-worthy. It's hard to forget the impending doom that fills the house when the resident packrat asks, "Where's that (fill in the blank) that I was saving?" So, do you call the exterminator if there's a packrat living among you? Try these humane solutions instead.
1. Remember the Principle of My Space, Your Space, and Our Space. Everyone living in the home needs somewhere safe to store special belongings. Acknowledge your packrat's need to hoard and set aside an out-of-the-way spot to hold his pile, but protect your home's shared and common areas from growing clutter.
2. Contain the collection properly. Use sturdy boxes, all the same size, with lids. Purchase cardboard banker boxes from an office supply store, or use empty copy paper boxes. Plastic storage boxes with lids will also work (note: clothes might smell funny if kept enclosed in plastic boxes). They should be large enough to hold bulky items but small enough to lift when full. If they're all of similar size, they will easily stack in a closet, garage, or attic.
3. Label each box--the lid and all four sides--with a large, readable number; use a heavy black magic marker or stickers. Begin with one and continue consecutively as you add more boxes. Develop a coding system to distinguish certain boxes; for example, Christmas decorations could be kept in boxes C-1, C-2, C-3, and so on.
4. Record the contents and storage location of each box and file this list somewhere safe and convenient. This keeps your boxes neat, without scribbles of what's inside that are later scratched out. Also, you have an accessible inventory of your "warehoused" items. If you're building a Family Notebook, print off a Storage Inventory form. Or, you could use a separate index card per box number. Update your records as the contents change.
5. The next time your packrat wants to know what happened to his (whatever), check your records and direct him to the appropriate storage area and box.
How to Survive Living With a Packrat
Packrats are also desperate to keep track of each and every item they've safely stored away for that potential future need. Clueless family members often don't even recognize these items as being salvage-worthy. It's hard to forget the impending doom that fills the house when the resident packrat asks, "Where's that (fill in the blank) that I was saving?" So, do you call the exterminator if there's a packrat living among you? Try these humane solutions instead.
1. Remember the Principle of My Space, Your Space, and Our Space. Everyone living in the home needs somewhere safe to store special belongings. Acknowledge your packrat's need to hoard and set aside an out-of-the-way spot to hold his pile, but protect your home's shared and common areas from growing clutter.
2. Contain the collection properly. Use sturdy boxes, all the same size, with lids. Purchase cardboard banker boxes from an office supply store, or use empty copy paper boxes. Plastic storage boxes with lids will also work (note: clothes might smell funny if kept enclosed in plastic boxes). They should be large enough to hold bulky items but small enough to lift when full. If they're all of similar size, they will easily stack in a closet, garage, or attic.
3. Label each box--the lid and all four sides--with a large, readable number; use a heavy black magic marker or stickers. Begin with one and continue consecutively as you add more boxes. Develop a coding system to distinguish certain boxes; for example, Christmas decorations could be kept in boxes C-1, C-2, C-3, and so on.
4. Record the contents and storage location of each box and file this list somewhere safe and convenient. This keeps your boxes neat, without scribbles of what's inside that are later scratched out. Also, you have an accessible inventory of your "warehoused" items. If you're building a Family Notebook, print off a Storage Inventory form. Or, you could use a separate index card per box number. Update your records as the contents change.
5. The next time your packrat wants to know what happened to his (whatever), check your records and direct him to the appropriate storage area and box.
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